HKE Society's Polytechnic, Raichur

Established in 1986
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and
Affiliated to Board of Technical Education, Bengaluru


Anti Ragging Committee


Name of the Committee member Profession Address Mobile number
Smt.Meenakshi A Hugar Teaching Hod, EC Dept 9448666123
Sri.Narendra Gowder Teaching Hod, Mechanical Dept 9449016100
Sri.K Kashinath Teaching Hod, Civil Dept 9448570279
Sri.Ravi Kumar K Teaching Hod, Computer Science Dept 9738258948


Anti Ragging Squad Members


Name of the Committee member Profession Address Mobile number
Rudragouda Halladamani Teaching Hod, sc Dept 9448649838
Vijayaprakash Gouda Teaching Lecturer ME Dept 9448216535
Veerappayya Swamy Teaching Lecturer CE Dept 9632291909
Sangeeta Khened Teaching Lecturer EC Dept 9731192757
Shankargouda Patil Warden Boys hostel Assco Proffesser SLNCE 9845980168
Smt. Sumangala Itagi Warden Girls hostel HOD CS Dept SLNCE 9900534522
Erappagouda CMC Councillor Yeramarus Camp 9342711413